Friday, February 20, 2015

Cycle4Life bool boyz Ride Again

The wheels are in motion for the 2015 Cycle4life team to take on yet another inspiring challenge. The team consists of 4 riders launching from Sydney headspace to pass through 5 other headspace centres and arrive in Noosa in 6 days. The Ride for headspace will be on June 20 – 26, 2015.

The Ride raises awareness of youth mental health and suicide. All funds raised will go to headspace to further the work they do in early detection and intervention around mental illness in young people from 12-25. The funds will allow youth suicide prevention and other mental health awareness and treatment work to continue for young Australians throughout the country.

This team of mediocre bike riders love a challenge and in the past have raised significant funds to help those fighting cancer. This year due to the ever present and prevalent rates of mental illness and youth suicide some of the team are taking this journey for very personal and heart wrentching reasons.

Whilst raising money is vital to support the work of headspace its equally important to raise awareness that these services are out there specifically for youth. The Cycle4Life team hope to raise awareness and bring a spotlight to each of the headspace centres on their journey.

One of the team is from Warrnambool a small country town in Victoria and he is hoping to convince his friend to join him in riding through Victoria via the rural centres to reach Sydney in time for the start of the whole team ride.

Sydney to Noosa is 1108kms. The ride from Warrnambool to Sydney will likely be 1137kms.

The ride will intentionally take them through smaller rural and regional centres where resources are limited. Headspace themselves recognise the need to reach isolated areas and have a fantastic service called eheadspace that allows young people to engage with a counsellor over the net.

Lets hope these men have good seats on their bikes and muscles in the legs as its going to be an epic adventure.