Hi all,
This is just a collection of media releases that i have been able to secure online.
24th September the Standard wrote about our efforts at raising 8000 dollarshttp://www.standard.net.au/news/local/news/general/peters-project
7th September the cycle for life team hit floods http://www.standard.net.au/news/local/news/general/tackling-floods-to-beat-cancer/
11th September on our way through Warrnambool http://www.standard.net.au/news//cyclists-raise-8500-for-cancer-care
Other media articles are available from http://www.cycle4lifeoz.com/index.cfm?fa=contentNews.news&directoryId=171523
This site is to update friends, family and supporters on the training and build up of our ride to raise money for headspace in Warrnambool Victoria. Both Jason Hill and myself are joining with Jon Watson and Leigh McCarthy and 4 friends from Sydney to ride from Sydney to noosa in 6 days. Wish us luck and if you want to donate to our cause you can go to http://www.cycle4life.com.au Thank you for your interest.